Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Funding for Planning, Infrastructure & Access

What it Does

The Outdoor Rec & Tourism Trust Account was finalized in the 2024 legislative session to help governments and nonprofits guide and grow responsible outdoor recreation amenities for their communities.

 What Can it Fund?

When up and running, the program will provide grants for the “planning, design, improvement, construction and maintenance of existing or new outdoor recreational infrastructure” and public access easements. Infrastructure is defined as “the physical facilities and structures that support outdoor recreational activities and experiences for residents and nonresidents, including, but not limited to, parking, staging areas, trails, campgrounds, picnic areas, boat launches, fishing piers, observation decks, wildlife viewing areas and visitor centers.”

Who Can Apply?

Governmental entities, the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho Tribes, and nonprofit organizations.

 What’s the Timeline?

The law goes into effect July 1 this year. We hope the Governor will appoint a governing board as soon as possible, so that the new Trust Account Board can start developing grant criteria and guidelines. This rule-making process follows the Wyoming Administrative Procedures Act, assuring public review and comment opportunity.

Formal signing of the WY Outdoor Rec & Tourism Trust bill into law with Governor Gordon - March, 2024

A skier takes on Exhibition run on Snow King Mountain above Jackson on March 6, 2024, after a storm brought 10 inches of snow in 24 hours. (Angus M. Thuermer Jr./WyoFile)

Coming up soon: Provide comments during rule-making to help develop the grant program

After the Trust Board is in place, they will develop and issue draft rules for the granting process, including topics such as public participation, criteria for ranking grants, meetings and other considerations. Stay in touch with us to be alerted about this comment time!